Healthcare provider can also upload a bunch of documents related to the claim via using “Upload Attachment” function.
Step 1: Navigate to Claims -> Uploads -> Ready for Submission Claim Card. Select any claim request and click upon “Upload Attachments”
Step 2: A screen will appear, which will show selected claim number, national ID, its status.
Step 3: Provider need to select document folder from the dropdown.
Note: For creating attachment folder, user need to use separate Application provided by Waseel ASP i.e. “UploadFilestoObjectStorage”. Every provider is given with its credentials, where as per the provider claim reference number user need to create attachment folder. Once folder is successfully created and saved there, it will start reflecting under the dropdown.
Step 4: Provider can either add, cancel or replace the selected attachment folder for any claim request.
Note: Replace action will delete old attachments from the claim and it will place new attachments. Add new will keep old attachment as it is and will append new attachments. Upon successful attachment system will give a message.