Healthcare provider can use this function to generate attachment for ready to submit claims.
Follow below mentioned steps: -
Step 1: Navigate to Claims -> Uploads -> Ready for Submission card
Step 2: Select the claim for which attachments need to be generated, then click upon “Generate Attachment”. Upon successful transaction system will reflect Number of Attachments against the claim transaction along with Marked Statement under Attachment Status.
Step 3: Open claim transaction and navigate to “Supporting Info”. Click upon attachment link. As an output, system will generate UCAF/DCAF/OCAF as per the claim type along with Invoice, Lab and Radiology attachment. User can save and print the same as per the requirement.
Note: Lab Attachment will be generated, if Provider have entered anything under Supporting Info>Lab (category).
Radiology Attachment will be generated, if Provider have entered anything under Supporting Info>Info (category). Radiology Attachment is a configuration-based feature will be provider only for those provider, if Waseel Admin have switched on this configuration.
Note: if the “Generate Attachment” not appear in ready for submission claims kindly contact waseel Customer Care